Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Many Hands Make Light Work

My cousin, Maren, and I are trying out a new housekeeping method. Once a week we help eachother clean, organize and/or maintain our houses for an hour or so. So, one week I'll go to her house and the next she'll come to mine. Last week we worked on Maren's living room. We sorted, organized, dusted, and vacuumed. When we were done, the room was immaculate. The next room in her house we'll work on is Hannah's bedroom and the bathroom. Tomorrow she'll be coming to my place to help me. I think I'm going to work on getting the spare bedroom set up. All the rooms in my house are so small that I need 2 of them for all my things (clothes!! mainly) So I'll be setting up shelves and a clothing rack to store extra clothes. I'm also going to get a mirror hung so I can practice dance in there too. I'm excited for Maren's help! I'll keep you posted on how the exchange goes.

PS - Carrie - did your "hiding stuff your kids don't use anymore" method work? Any new household pointers you can give?


Carrie said...

That is such a great idea. I'll have to try and find a friend who wants to do that with me. Yes, the hiding of the stuff worked for the most part. Christiana was very happy and didn't really ask for anything that was missing. Eliza did ask for a couple of things, but not even close to all of it. Eliza does LOVE her STUFF! She's my little pack rat. I will have to figure out how to break that. If I think of any more tips, I will let you know.

Ada's Girl said...

I hope this continues to work out but if it doesn't....just let me know. Maybe you and I can work something out!

Carrie said...

Hey no fair, I want mom. Actually, I would want you too. Why do you have to live so far away?

katherine said...

Lindsay keep posting!!!!